Public Hearing: Mechanics Valley Road Bridge Replacement Project

July 3rd, 2022




RE: Public Hearing for Property Acquisitions


The Cecil County Department of Public Works, Engineering and Construction Division, will hold a public hearing, which can be attended in person related to the County’s proposed acquisition of properties associated with the planned CIP Project; Replacement of Bridge CE0042 Mechanics Valley Road over CSX.

The first subject parcels are identified as 0 Bouchelle Road: Tax Map 25, Grid 17, Parcels 601 and 602 in the town of North East, Maryland. On May 13th, 2022, the County entered into an Option Contract between Walter and Linda Bouchelle, and Nicholas and Susan Lovaglio (Grantors) and Cecil County, Maryland (Grantee) for a proposed purchase price of Ninety Thousand Five Dollars ($2,250).

Additional subject parcel is identified as 17 Bouchelle Road: Tax Map 25, Grid 17, Parcel 386, in the town of North East, Maryland. On May 11th, 2022, the County entered into an Option Contract between Roger and Lisa Bouchelle (Grantors) and Cecil County, Maryland (Grantee) for a proposed purchase price of Ninety Thousand Five Dollars ($90,000).

Additional subject parcel is identified as 49 Bouchelle Road: Tax Map 25, Grid 17, Parcel 517, in the town of North East, Maryland. On May 13th, 2022, the County entered into an Option Contract between Connor Bouchelle (Grantor) and Cecil County, Maryland (Grantee) for a proposed purchase price of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($23,000).

Additional subject parcel is identified as 51 Bouchelle Road: Tax Map 25, Grid 11, Parcel 787, in the town of North East, Maryland. On May 13th, 2022, the County entered into an Option Contract between Connor Bouchelle (Grantor) and Cecil County, Maryland (Grantee) for a proposed purchase price of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700).

All Option Agreements listed above are valid for a period of One Hundred and Eighty (180) days.


The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, July 12 at 3PM in the Perryville Room, Cecil County Administration Building, 200 Chesapeake Blvd., Elkton, MD, 21921.

For additional information, please contact Katie O’Connor, at 410-996-5268 or prior to the start of the public hearing.

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