Cecil County Councilman Al Miller Speaks to Cecil TV’s Doug Donley about County Employee Pay Funding

March 18th, 2022

Cecil County Councilman Al Miller Speaks to Cecil TV's Doug Donley about County Employee Pay Funding

Cecil County Councilman Al Miller Speaks to Cecil TV's Doug Donley about County Employee Pay Funding

On Tuesday, 3/15/22, the Cecil County council, in their regular legislative session discussed and then did not approve resolution 9-2022. 9-2022 is a supplemental appropriations bill that, if passed would approve funding of a set of salary increases, plus retention and signing bonuses for a subset of county public safety employees. With Council President Mefley out sick, the vote was two to two with Jackie Gregory and Donna Culberson saying yes and Bill Coutz and Al Miller saying no. To help us understand why this measure did not pass we with Councilman Al Miller.

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